Coastal Dynamics 2025 main theme is “Living with a Dynamic Coast”. Proposed specific topics are described below. You can submit your work both for general topics or specific sessions topics, according with the best fit. The final decision about your submission will be of the Technical Abstract Review Committee, also supported by the conveners of the special sessions.
Coastal Dynamics 2025 main theme is “Living with a Dynamic Coast”
Proposed general topics:
- Beach and dune morphdynamics
- Coastal management and risk assessment
- Coasts and climate change effects and responses
- Estuarine and coastal lagoons’ processes
- Hydrodynamics (waves, tides and surges)
- Nourishments and nature-based interventions
- Observations, monitoring and modelling
- Sediment dynamics, and sediment-biota/plastics interactions
Proposed specific topics:
Coral and nature-based reefs: hydrodynamics and morphodynamics
Conveners: Curt Storlazzi1, Xavier Bertin2, Ana Vila Concejo3
1 U.S. Geological Survey, USA,
2 UMR7266 LIENSs, CNRS, La Rochelle Université, France,
3 University of Sydney, Australia,
Coral, rocky, oyster, and hybrid (natural plus artificial) reefs are complex, ecologically-important structures that provide critical socio-economic services, including coastal protection, worldwide. Moreover, reefs are vital for long-term coastal sediment budgets and thus indispensable for the evolution of low-lying islands. Due to the growing impacts of climate change and sea-level rise, along with the drive to address these impacts with nature-based solutions, there is increasing interest to understand the interplay between reefs and coastal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. Additionally, as climate change continues to reshape reefs, understanding the interplay between wave and water level processes, sediment dynamics, and the resulting mophology becomes imperative. Presentations on all aspects of reef hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, based on field observations, laboratory experiments, and/or numerical modelling, are welcome. Presentations focusing on the management of reef environments and adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change and sea-level rise are also encouraged.
Coastal wetlands for coastal resilience and climate adaptation
Conveners: Erik Horstman1, A. Rita Carrasco2, Ana I. Sousa3
1 University of Twente, The Netherlands
2 CIMA, University of Algarve / ARNET, Faro, Portugal,
3 CESAM, Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, Portugal,
Coastal wetlands can help to protect from climate change impacts, actively contributing to its mitigation. This recognition is reflected in the increasing prominence of wetlands’ protection and conservation through international policies. However, achieving a consensus on the diverse functions of coastal wetlands poses a persistent challenge in their conservation, restoration and management. Mangrove forests and saltmarshes can provide a nature-based solution to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Intertidal wetlands reduce hydrodynamic energy with their above-ground biomass, while they increase soil stability of intertidal flats. These processes stimulate sediment accumulation and ecosystem recovery and development, enable intertidal wetlands to mitigate coastal flood risk and erosion hazards, providing resilience to adapt to changing environmental conditions and recover from impacts of extreme conditions. This session aims to explore the patterns of natural evolution in coastal wetlands and the lessons learned from wetland-based solutions, to increase knowledge on how to achieve wetlands long-term resilience.
Dynamic islands
Conveners: Gerd Masselink1, Paul Kench2, Floortje Roelvink3
1 University of Plymouth, UK,
2National University Singapore, Singapore,
3Deltares, Netherlands,
Depositional islands, including coral atolls islands and barrier islands, are amongst the most vulnerable coastal systems to climate change due to their usually low elevation and the unconsolidated nature of their sediments. These islands are highly dynamic over a range of time scales, exhibiting short-term storm response, medium-term realignment of the shoreline due to longshore sediment transport processes and long-term shoreline retreat and roll-over due wash‑over processes because of sea-level rise. This special session on ‘Dynamic Islands’ considers presentations on all coastal dynamic aspects of these environments, including field observations, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling. To fit within the general conference theme ‘Living with a Dynamic Coast’, we also welcome presentations focusing on the coastal management of these islands and adaptation strategies to mitigate against climate change impacts.
Shoreline evolution modelling
Conveners: Camilo Jaramillo Cardona1 , Imen Turki2 , Jose A. A. Antolinez3, Marissa Yates4, Nicolas Le Dantec5
1 Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria, Spain,
2 University of Rouen, France,
3 Delft University of Technology, Netherlands,
4 Ecole des Ponts / Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory, France,
5 Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France,
This session is dedicated to presenting innovative concepts in the field of coastal morphodynamics modelling, particularly focusing on diverse approaches for modeling shoreline evolution. In recent years, the scientific community in coastal engineering has shown a strong interest in developing efficient and effective tools to predict how shorelines will evolve in various coastal environments. For example, equilibrium-based shoreline evolution models have emerged as powerful and computationally efficient tools for simulating how beaches respond to both cross-shore and longshore processes, as well as their interactions. Many other approaches exist, and this session welcomes contributions that explore aspects of the different underlying methodological frameworks of shoreline evolution models. This includes the assessment of calibration techniques aimed at improving shoreline evolution predictions, the extension models to incorporate climate projections and the consequences of climate change, and the analysis of possible sources of uncertainty when predicting coastal evolution.
Participatory research & citizen engagement for coastal sustainability
Conveners: Mouncef Sedrati1, Ana Matias2
1 Geo-Ocean, University South Brittany, France,
2 CIMA, University of Algarve, Portugal,
In the context of global warming and the rising sea level, coastal environments are encountering substantial threats, displaying an escalating sensitivity and vulnerability to issues like coastal inundation, erosion, biodiversity reduction, and pollution. The surging trend of participatory research and citizen science across diverse disciplines is generating a wealth of multiscale data, pushing the boundaries of our understanding. Successful initiatives in participatory science and citizen observatories have the potential for scaling up, thereby contributing to collaborative policy strategies, actions, and global awareness regarding the challenges of coastal environments. Active and credible engagement in science contributions empowers citizens to assume pivotal roles as stewards in decision-making processes, fostering a crucial connection across scientific disciplines. The objective of this session is to highlight various communication, research, and citizen science initiatives focused on unravelling the evolution and dynamics of marine and coastal environments. This encompasses endeavours in coastal research and citizen science, the convergence of coastal science and art, as well as effective communication strategies addressing coastal and marine risks.
Emerging technology for surfzone observations
Conveners: Spicer Bak1, Greg Wilson2, EJ Rainville3
1 US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, USA,
2Oregon State University, USA,
3 Washington University, USA,
The coastal environment is dynamic and spatially complex, which creates challenges for measuring the relevant processes at high enough spatial and temporal resolution to drive improvements in numerical modeling and scientific understanding of it’s evolution. This session is focused on new and emerging technologies that can provide observations of coastal dynamics at new spatial or temporal scales, during previously unobservable conditions, or are aimed at filling gaps in the traditional measurement capabilities, including (but not limited to) remote sensing (e.g. close-range or satellite-based Radar, Lidar, EO/IR imagery, etc.), uncrewed systems (e.g. in-water, aerial), or novel measurements of bedload or suspended sediments.
Restoring river-coast dynamics: barriers and enablers for nature-based interventions
Conveners: Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla1, Andrew Tyler2, Adrian Stanica3
1 Laboratori d’Enginyeria Maritima, UPC, Barcelona, Spain,
2 University of Stirling, UK,
3 GeoEcoMar, Romania,
Restoring river-coast connectivity and providing room for coastal dynamics can be considered building blocks of a nature-based solution (NbS) to enhance coastal resilience under present and future climate conditions. This session calls for papers on the restoration of river-coast dynamics, spanning numerical simulations, as well as in-situ and remote observations and their application to assess how coastal morphodynamics can become more resilient through NbS. The session looks for presentations from on-going projects (such as the REST-COAST and DANUBIUS-IP EU projects) that promote the application of research infrastructure tools (such as coupled models supported by multidisciplinary field observations) to the design and implementation of coastal NbS. Papers on these and related topics are welcome, including NbS enablers and barriers across scales, covering the multiple co-existing scales typical of coastal dynamics and how they affect NbS performance and associated ecosystem services from coastal wetlands, dunes or seagrass meadows among other coastal habitats that reduce erosion and flooding risks.
Navigating coastal microplastic: fate and transport
Conveners: Alexander Rey1
1 National Research Council, Canada,
This session will explore the latest research findings, observation methodologies, and modelling advancements shedding light on the dynamic movement of microplastics along our coastlines. Covering a broad range of microplastics research including source identification, monitoring methodologies, numerical modelling approaches, machine learning applications, and impact assessment, this session will delve into the multifaceted challenges posed by microplastic pollution in coastal ecosystems.