This page is dedicated to provide all the necessary information for participation in Coastal Dynamics 2025. Paper submission and registration are done on a specific platform. The necessary links to the platform are provided below.
Instructions to Prepare Oral Presentations
Download of oral presentations template: Click here
- The use of the presentation template is suggested, but not mandatory;
- Your presentation needs to be in “.PDF” or in “.PPT”;
- Please use the slide set-up for the on-screen show – 16:9 aspect;
- Avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts;
- Presentations will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10/11 and PowerPoint;
- Apple: Please give your filename an extension “.PDF” or “.PPT”;
- Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer;
- All presentations must be delivered to the onsite Slide Centre;
- Oral presentations shall last 12 min each (+3 min for discussion).
Instructions to Prepare Posters
Download poster template: Click here
- Poster dimensions: A0 format: 118.9 x 84.1 cm2 (height x width), portrait format;
- Poster dimensions should not exceed 120 x 90 cm2 (height x width);
- The use of the poster template is suggested, but not mandatory;
- State the title, the authors name and institution(s) at the top of your poster;
- The conference logo should be included;
- Indicate the presenting author if different from the first author;
- The text and the illustrations should be readable from a distance of 2 meters;
- The font size should be at least 18 point.
Instructions to Prepare Manuscripts
Download of manuscript template: Click here
Download of copyright form: Cick here
- You should prepare a 4-6 pages manuscript till 15th January 2025;
Guidelines to Manuscripts Submission:
- Manuscripts submissions should be made by email, to
- The subject of the email should be: Coastal Dynamics 2025 – Manuscript Submission;
- In the text of the email, please include the title of the manuscript you are submitting.
- Attached to the email, send the manuscript file in “.doc” or “.docx” format. The filename of the submitted document should follow the format Firstname_Lastname.docx of the author that will present the work in the conference.
- Author’s are responsible to submit the manuscript in accordance with the template guidelines. Only “.doc” or “.docx” files are accepted. Manuscripts not fulfilling these requirements and format may not be accepted.
- For files bigger than 15Mb, please use a Wetransfer link (or equivalent), instead of attaching the file.
- The presenting author needs to have his/her registration completed by 15th January 2025, in order to the manuscript be published.
- The Editor requires all authors to sign and submit, together with the manuscript, a copyright transfer form, by the same deadline (15th January 2025). Due to this policy, authors that do not send this form will not have their paper published. Copyright form should be sent in PDF format, duly filled (title of the contribution, authors full name and corresponding author name, in the first page) and signed in (last page).
- When there are more than one author, the expression “Author” in the agreement will apply collectively. Thus, only one author signature is enough, on behalf of all the authors.
Registration fees (euros) | Early | Regular | On-site | One day |
Regular delegates | 750 | 900 | 1000 | 400 |
Students | 350 | 420 | 450 | 300 |
Short Courses | Regular delegates: 100; Students: 50 | |||
Technical Visits | 50 |
Fees include:
- Technical sessions;
- Delegate material;
- Lunches and coffee breaks on the conference dates;
- Paper published in a journal indexed to Scopus platform;
- Opportunity to participate in the student award;
- Certificate of attendance;
- Welcome reception;
- Congress dinner (accompanying person is allowed with an additional fee of 100 euros).
On the registration platform you will find the different payment methods available for the Conference.
Early bird prices are available until 31/01/2025. Regular fees will be applied for registrations after this date. After the early bird, the registration platform automatically assumes the values defined for payments after the date defined as early bird.
Registration online at the following link: Registration
For additional information about registrations please contact the organizing committee through the email:
Invoices and cancellation terms
Please note that the participant is responsible for filling in the details for the invoice (please confirm with your Entity if you need to enter the VAT number and/or requisition/purchase number). Once you have filled in the invoice details, a proforma invoice will be available if required. After payment, your receipt will also be available on the platform.
Cancellations must be made by e-mail to Vírginia Lopes: For any cancellation received before the 01/01/2025, registration fees will be reimbursed less 50€ for handling fees. No reimbursement will be made for cancellation received after the 01/01/2025. All registration made via purchase order are subject to these conditions for cancellation. As a result, all booking made by purchase order and cancelled after the 01/01/2025 must be paid in full. Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received. The conference program may be subject to changes.