Short-courses will be available on 7th April. The Organization Committee is preparing different options, that will be provided in the near future.
Short Course # 1: Coastal Resilience Assessment – Transferring the principles of ecological resilience to coastal geomorphic systems
Future resilience and adaptation capacity of sandy coasts is a growing concern, calling for urgent measures and strategies. These need to embrace the vision of managing coastal systems for resilience, designing novel options that incorporate natural cycles and dynamism and allow adaptation to changing conditions.
Resilience has been used over a wide range of scientific fields and often ambiguously, causing confusion over terminology and concepts and giving rise to distinct interpretations and misconceptions.
This short course intends to introduce, explain, and discuss the concept of resilience from the ecological perspective and demonstrate how these concepts can be adapted to quantitatively assess the resilience of coastal geomorphic features, such as barrier islands. The course will offer the opportunity to the participants to collectively discuss the presented approach, the potential of furthering the levels of complexity included, as well as possible alternatives and apply introduced concepts to a case study.
Responsible/teaching staff: Ana Matias, Katerina Kombiadou, Rui Taborda & Susana Costas
Number of hours of the course: 3h
Minimum number of participants: 10 participants
Short Course # 2: Incorporating Data Science and Climate in Coastal Engineering
Accurate and quick assessment of extreme coastal inundation is critical for risk mitigation in coastal communities. To capture the entire complexity of the wave spectrum and take climate oscillations into account, weather-type-based climate emulators capable of generating plausible wave climate realisations are used. By combining these emulators with hybrid techniques that incorporate numerical modelling and data science, the computing effort required to investigate extreme events and coastal flooding can be greatly reduced.
This short course will explain several statistical and hybrid modelling techniques, and participants will be able to apply the concepts taught to a real-world case study employing cloud-based Jupyter Notebooks. By the end of the course, participants will have gained practical experience applying these strategies to real-life circumstances that can be transferred anywhere in the world.
Responsible/teaching staff: Fernando Méndez (Responsible), Laura Cagigal, Paula Camus & Beatriz Pérez
Number of hours of the course: 6h
Minimum number of participants: 10 participants
Short Course # 3: Coastal Restoration Under Sea Level Rise
Coastal systems are increasingly threatened by climatic and human pressures especially relative sea level rise (SLR). Conventional coastal protection often falls short of the expected objectives, suggesting the incorporation of green engineering.
This short course is structured into three blocs: a) coastal SLR and implications; b) downscaling through modelling; c) practical adaptation. The first block presents recent advances on SLR and the role of coastal ecosystems for adaptation, considering technical, societal and governance aspects. The second block presents past, present and future SLR in climatological modelling, as a basis to assess risks with/out coastal restoration. The third block presents some case studies of coastal restoration where coastal risks are reduced through of adaptation pathways. The course will end with a wrap-up session where all participants will be invited to briefly discuss (5 minutes each) their interest in coastal restoration under SLR.
Responsible/teaching staff: Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla (Responsible), Robert Nicholls, Mark Schuerch, Piero Lionello, María Carmen Llasat, Joanna Staneva & Yuting Tai
Number of hours of the course: 6h
Minimum number of participants: 10 participants
Maximum number of participants: 15 participants